Melangkah Pasti Wujudkan Mimpi, Angeline Callista Khong Alumni POS Medan Peroleh Beasiswa ke University of Sunderland – Many graduates of the cooperative education unit (SPK)/international school PrimeOne School (POS) Medan have continued their education to state universities and universities abroad  . Some have received  full scholarships and some have chosen to continue their education to private universities with excellent accreditation. 

Of the thousands of graduates  of PrimeOne School Medan High School, one of them is Angeline Callista Khong who succeeded in getting a scholarship and continued her education at the University of Sunderland,  England  in the BSc (hons) Cosmetic Science program.

The daughter of Roby Khong and Lindawaty said that she got information about the scholarship on campus from the internet and got an accommodation scholarship and international scholarship. Her motivation to register to get a scholarship was to increase learning opportunities, encourage and maintain the spirit of learning.

The first of 4 siblings took a step towards realizing his dream when he received a scholarship worth £6.4k/Rp 134,400,000. The components of the scholarship he received were tuition fees, living expenses, research funds including accommodation costs for one year, and a discount on tuition fees for 3 years.

“The preparations made to win a scholarship include registering for a scholarship, fulfilling the requirements and the required documents. After being declared complete and passing the administration, then the interview test,” said Angeline.

After receiving a scholarship to the University of Sunderland, Angeline is currently studying harder and joining many organizations to increase her self-confidence and build her network.

Angeline Callista was very happy to receive the scholarship, that’s why she shared tips with the younger generation to look for more information about scholarships, check the requirements, and join many organizations held at school.

“Learn to be more responsible, finish what you have chosen, and don’t depend too much on other people,” he said.

During her time at PrimeOne School, Angeline Callista had her own impressions and messages. Her impression was that she was very happy to be able to attend POS Medan. The knowledge she gained was very useful for continuing her education to the next level.

“For the message, I hope this school can continue to develop and improve the learning methods and quality of services provided. Hopefully this school can continue to produce outstanding children in the future,” said Angeline Callista.

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