Who you are is where you’re from
Our alumni have come from all corners of the tribes and all walks of life. They blend together to do good things for each other. They have willingly tackled oral presentations in a second language, scientific analysis and sports. They are a special group of individuals.
After they graduate, they head out on their own adventures and journeys through life. They continue their studies in prestigious local universities and overseas. We hope they take a little bit of PrimeOne School with them. Because after all, “Who you are is where you’re from.”
Students showcased their talents through a variety of performances, including traditional music, and art displays, bringing the spirit of the festival to …
POS.SCH.ID | MEDAN-Alumni Sekolah Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK)/Sekolah Internasional PrimeOne School (POS) Medan, Ashley Hakim Husni saat ini sedang menempuh pendidikan tinggi di …
At PrimeOne School, we cherish staying connected with our alumni, no matter where life takes them. Recently, we had the wonderful opportunity …
What an incredible way to kick off the new term with our vibrant Welcome Back School Performance! The energy in our school …